The Week that Changed the World
Regular price £10.00An Audio Resource for Holy Week that enables you to follow–on your own–the story and drama of Jesus’ movements through Jerusalem, from Palm Sunday to the empty tomb.
“The pictures on the radio”, they say, “are better than those on TV!” This is your opportunity to close your eyes, to travel to Jerusalem in your imagination, and to follow Jesus and the disciples as they make their way from the Mount of Olives towards the empty tomb.
Based on chapter 4 of Immersed in the Passion, the events of this historic week are retold in 12 short Audio Recordings (each c. 6-7 mins), supplemented by 4 further Dramatic Reflections (from John Mark, his sister and Mary Magdalene). Also included will be some PDF Maps of first-century Jerusalem, designed to help you track Jesus’ movements around the city.
The ideal way to enjoy this resource is as follows:
- Start listening to the audio recordings on the day before Palm Sunday (this year, that’s Saturday 23 March) and then aim to listen to two of the recordings each day thereafter.
- After the second recording, you might enjoy listening to the first Dramatic Reflection (in the voice of Mary Magdalene, describing her anointing Jesus at Bethany).
- When you get to Maundy Thursday (28 March) you might enjoy listening to Dramatic Reflections 2 & 3 (in the voice of John Mark’s sister and John Mark himself, as they remember the events of the Last Supper and Gethsemane).
- Then continue to listen to the main audio recordings, as they move towards the description of the Resurrection, and finally (on Easter Day) finish by listening to the final Dramatic Reflection in the voice of Mary Magdalene, as she describes meeting the Risen Jesus in the garden by the tomb.
Why not use these various resources to help you on your own spiritual journey? To celebrate Holy Week is to be in touch with the ‘Greatest Story Ever Told’—a week that indeed forever changed the world!
Church leaders
Or, if you’re a church leader, why not purchase the ‘congregational licence’—enabling people in your church to use a private youtube link to these resources to enjoy on their own or in small groups? For this option, see the The Week that Changed the World (Church and Groups Licence)
Digital Download Contents
Audio Recordings
- Jesus enters Jerusalem
- Jesus in the nearby village of Bethany
- Jesus cleanses the Temple
- Jesus shares a meal with his friends
- Jesus waits in the garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus stands trial before Caiaphas
- Jesus encounters human evil and failure
- Jesus stands before Pontius Pilate and Herod Antipas
- Jesus is sentenced to death
- Jesus is crucified
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
- Jesus appears to his followers
Dramatic Reflections
- Mary in Bethany
- John Mark’s sister at the Last Supper
- John Mark in the garden of Gethsemane
- Mary by the empty tomb
- The Mount of Olives in the time of Jesus
- Jerusalem in the first century