Welcome to the Community
We were never called to walk along the way of Jesus on our own—but in company with the many others whom he has called to follow him.
- The first disciples of Jesus were talking and learning together as they walked ‘on the way’ (Mark 9:33). And in the earliest years after his resurrection, as this ‘Jesus-movement’ developed, they became known as ‘followers of the Way’ (Acts 9:2; 18 25 etc)—a clear sign that they were walking along that Way together.
So we would love you to join in. Why not sign up today and enter into this community of like-minded travellers and ‘pilgrims’ on this important, but sometimes difficult, journey?
Here’s what being part of this community might feel like:
- Ten times a year (not more, we promise!) you’ll receive our update with news of one or two new resources or forthcoming events.
- There’ll be invitations to join in one of Dr Walker’s one-off Seminars, highlighting some aspect of the Bible’s brilliance—or even to join him on one of his tours to the lands of the Bible!
- From late August 2021 many of us are planning to use the daily devotions found in John Stott’s Through The Year (Lion Hudson 2006; revised edition 2020) for our personal Bible reading, so there will be opportunities to join in some Zoom-conversations to share what we have learnt with other members of the Walkway Community.
- And we are hoping soon to set up some Book Clubs so that small groups of Walkway members can meet regularly to discuss what they’ve learnt and enjoyed from reading one of the books promoted by Walkway Books (sometimes in company with the author!).