Discovering the New Testament
Regular price £15.99Many Christians have a desire to learn more about the Bible, particularly the New Testament. Discovering the New Testament is designed to be the overture to a lifetime of listening to God speak through his written Word and of applying that Word to your life. For those unfamiliar with the riches of the New Testament, this course aims to give an overview of the major books and themes in a clear and memorable way. For those who “know the score,” this course will provide a useful review of major facts and ideas about the New Testament and provide opportunities for applying its message to daily living.
In this book, the New Testament will be approached as a collection of writings that witnesses in a coherent way—though from different perspectives—to the life and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. It assumes that the New Testament is a trustworthy document, written in history, and containing what is necessary to know about matters of Christian faith and life in today’s world. Knowing the content of the New Testament is essential for Christians who wish to understand and testify to the good news of Jesus Christ.
This book is a part of the Foundations for Christian Ministry (FCM) curriculum. FCM is a non-degree curriculum designed to train laypeople for Christian life and ministry, and can be undertaken as parish-based, small-group, or individual study.