The Way of Jesus

Discover more of the authentic Jesus of history and how to follow him today through books, teaching and tours

Lent Course

Undiscovered Lent

Get access to a four-part video tour around the key sites of the Passion narrative. Complete with study guides, this is the perfect resource for any individual or group wanting to enrich their experience of Lent this year.

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Designed by Dr Peter Walker for enquirers, followers and leaders alike, these resources will grow, deepen and expand your understanding.

Start your journey of discovery by…


Enjoy these books - introducing you to the historical Jesus and the Bible.

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Engage with the Bible’s teaching - using these courses, film and audio resources, as well as special events.

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Experience the lands of the Bible - taking your journey to a whole new level.

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Joining the Community

Encounter others walking along the Jesus Way - helping you to live out the Christian faith today.

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Tour the Holy Land and see where Jesus walked

Explore the land of the Bible and discover for yourself the authentic Jesus of history in this virtual tour. Peter Walker is your personal guide, distilling a lifetime of study and travel-guiding into your Virtual Travel Experience.

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Walkway Books

Walkway Books has been set up by Dr Peter Walker so that people can have access to the wide range of materials he has produced on the authentic Jesus of history and the challenge of following him truly today. Explore the site to discover books, teaching and tours that can take your life in a whole new direction—the way of Jesus.

Read More Meet Dr Peter Walker